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Being Grateful In Recovery

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Gratitude is saying thank you, being nice and polite. The definition of gratitude is the quality of being thankful and readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness. However, it is more than this. Gratitude is feeling happy and joy for the things you have in life. It is courteous, generous, concerned, and appreciating family and others. Being Grateful In Recovery

Expressing Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t just about material possessions; it’s about everything in life. People, feelings, states of being, emotions, and opportunities encompass gratitude. Expressing gratitude is being positive; it fosters a positive mindset that can greatly improve mental and physical health. Being grateful helps one focus on the good things and gives us confidence and energy.

Practicing Gratitude Ways to Improve Positivity

Gratitude is the opposite of negative thinking. Negative thinking reduces happiness and hope for a person. Those who focus on the negative things always have difficulty being content. The National Institute of Health News In Health “Practicing Gratitude Ways to Improve Positivity” states:

Studies suggest that making a habit of noticing what’s going well in your life could have health benefits.Taking the time to feel gratitude may improve your emotional well-being by helping you cope with stress. Early research suggests that a daily practice of gratitude could affect the body, too. For example, one study found that gratitude was linked to fewer signs of heart disease. The first step in any gratitude practice is to reflect on the good things that have happened in your life. These can be big or little things. It can be as simple as scoring a good parking space that day or enjoying a hot mug of coffee. Or, perhaps you feel grateful for a close friend’s compassionate support. Next, allow yourself a moment to enjoy that you had a positive experience, no matter what negatives may exist in your life. Let positive feelings of gratitude bubble up. (NIH)

When we practice gratitude daily, it enhances our hope, increases physical and mental well-being. A daily boost of positive emotions also helps us cope with stress.

Being Grateful In Early Recovery is Essential For Staying Sober

When a person first gets sober, there are a lot of emotions that can surface. This is because they no longer use drugs and alcohol to numb their emotions. This can be overwhelming, but being grateful and staying positive helps prevent relapse. It can take time to change your mindset and behaviors to reflect gratitude. It is a skill, and it takes time to grow. Here are some ways to practice gratitude in recovery.

  • Focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have – Be grateful for the things you have. Focusing on what you don’t have can foster negative emotions and create an attitude of ungratefulness. Negativity is detrimental to recovery.
  • Give to others daily – Being generous is a big part of gratitude. A simple act of kindness like holding the door open for someone goes a long way.
  • Focus on the best in others instead of the worst – It’s easy to become irritable, angry, and impatient when we focus on the worst qualities of others. Instead, focusing on the best helps us maintain a positive attitude and develop patience. And be respectful to others even when it’s not easy.
  • View challenges in life as opportunities – Life is hard, and we always face challenges. If you view these as opportunities, it helps to establish self-efficacy and resilience, and it helps you to avoid the victim mentality. Look for the good in every difficult thing you face.
  • Be kind to others – Always be kind to others no matter what kind of day you are having. A small bit of kindness can go a long way and make a big difference in someone else’s life.
  • Take time to think about the things you are grateful for – Set aside a few minutes each day to list things you are grateful for. It helps you to maintain a positive mindset. Even if you are struggling through something difficult right now, there is always something to be grateful for.
  • Consider what you have now that you didn’t have in your addiction – Addiction strips one of all good things in life. Taking a moment to think about how far you have come and what you have gained being sober can make a huge impact on your day and your life.
  • Ponder something you’ve recently learned about life – Life is full of challenges and experiences that can teach us valuable lessons. These lessons can change us for the better. Reflecting on life’s lessons can help you grow personally.

Having gratitude in recovery helps one heal. A study revealed grateful people are more optimistic, have more energy, think more clearly, are stronger at dealing with challenges, have more control in their lives, experience less stress, and live longer. Of course, it can take time to develop gratitude, but appreciating the simple things in life is a good way to start.

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