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Opana Withdrawal Symptoms

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What is Opana? Opana is the brand name for oxymorphone, a prescribed drug to reduce severe pain. The substance is classified under narcotic analgesics, a group of pain medicines. Opana withdrawal symptoms begin after a person has built a tolerance for misusing the drug. Tolerance is what triggers addiction or physical dependency since the brain’s proper functioning is manipulated. The symptoms are painful and may begin soon after the last use. An Opana detox is highly recommended to those struggling with withdrawal symptoms or battling cravings for the drug.  

Opana Abuse Symptoms

Users will take the opioid analgesic to combat severe pain. Oxymorphone or oxycodone works similarly to Opana. Unfortunately, individuals tend to use the drug after the prescribed deadline, quickly building tolerance and cravings for Opana pills. If a person is hiding the medication, lying, or purchasing pills online or off the street (not over the counter), then these are signs of substance abuse or addiction.    Slurred speech, mood swings, short-term memory lapse, and slowed reflexes are symptoms of Opana abuse. Opana and other addictive prescription painkillers put people at risk of overdose and long-term health complications. In addition, interacting with the medication with other drugs such as alcohol can worsen symptoms and increase risk. 

How Long Does Opana Stay In Your System? 

Opana’s half-life and other factors may prolong the drug’s stay in the body’s system. Opana’s half-life may last between 9-12 hours. However, genetics, dose, and frequency can alter how long the drug lasts in the body. Researching the side effects of oxymorphone is advised before taking the drug to avoid health issues or a potential overdose. Common side effects include blurred vision, rapid breathing, sweating, and sunken eyes.  

What Are the Opana Withdrawal Symptoms? 

After forming a physical dependence on the drug, the withdrawal symptoms are intense and cause negative impacts on the mind and body. After last use, symptoms can begin after 12 hours, and more severe symptoms may begin days after, which results in medical assistance.    Opana withdrawal symptoms include:  

  • Agitation 
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Dehydration
  • Muscle aches 
  • Intense irritability
  • Excessive sweating 
  • Painful cramping in the abdomen 

  After detoxification, establishing a relapse prevention plan is highly recommended to sustain sobriety. This includes forming or joining a support group or speaking to others who have experienced substance abuse or extreme cravings for Opana. Speak to a doctor about any underlying conditions or previous addictions before taking Opana. 

Treatment for Opana Withdrawal Symptoms at Our Florida Wellness Center

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, whether from prescription pill abuse or for an alcohol or benzo detox, Evoke Wellness has you covered. We offer unique programs like our sober support groups and alumni services. Our medical staff provides a clean and safe environment for individuals to receive the resources they need to begin the treatment process.    Speak to a professional today at Evoke Wellness by calling 833-819-6066 and asking about our family program if you have someone in your family struggling with addiction!   Related Readings: Should You Keep a Substance Abuse Journal? Difference Between Drug Abuse and Drug Misuse