Death rates skyrocketed through 2021 and only seem to be aiming for the clouds now. Cities with the most drug users are undergoing many addictions and overdoses. In April 2021, an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths happened, an increasing 28.5% from the previous year.1 America does not see an end to the unfortunate reality since the percentages of deaths by drugs continue to increase.
Cities & States With Highest Percentages of Drug Users
Believe it or not, Washington, D.C. (also known as the District of Columbia) holds the number one ranking for cities with the most drug users. Washington D.C. has very few substance abuse treatment facilities per 100,000 drug users, as well as the most overdose deaths per capita.2 Additionally, D.C. comes in the top three percent regarding the highest percentage of adult drug users. West Virginia and the District of Columbia are neck and neck regarding overdose rates and the number of adult addictions happening in the cities. Specifically, Kermit, West Virginia, is a poor environment that homes many drug users. Although West Virginia is the ninth smallest state, it has the highest drug overdose mortality rate. The capital and areas in West Virginia are the top cities with the worst drug problems.
City of Drugs
As shown by reports documented throughout 2021, drug addiction in the U.S. proves to be a significant concern. Before mentioning the cities with the most drug users, it’s vital to see the overall picture. The highest drug use by state include:
- Washington, D.C.
- West Virginia
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- Michigan
- New Mexico
- Indiana
- Rhode Island
- Kentucky
- Pennsylvania
A city worth mentioning is Baltimore, Maryland since it is the “heroin capital of America,” meaning the city claims the highest percentage of heroin dependency in the country. In addition, Montana and Vermont are facing high drug use, and there is a rise in inpatient hospitalization around the country due to heroin, methamphetamine, and opioids. The opioid crisis in America continues to be an epidemic and an ongoing dilemma in the United States. Biggest Drug Trafficking Cities in the U.S. The DEA is focused on the trafficking organized by Mexican drug cartels since they are responsible for a majority of the drug distribution in the United States. The Mexican drug cartel has controlled a large share of the drug smuggling in the U.S. for decades. Also, the Mafia began drug smuggling in the early 1950s, mainly in New York City. Miami, Florida, established a successful smuggling route for Manuel Noriega and the Panamanian drug trade. As a result, Miami became a famous city with the most drug users, especially when Vice President George H.W. Bush began the Drug Task Force to defeat the cocaine trade through the city. Undoubtedly, America has its fair share of cities that contribute to the routes for drug trafficking. Evoke Wellness Treatment Center is Here to Help At our Florida Wellness Rehab, we offer treatment for various addictions that include alcohol detox, plus benzo and opioid detox. Our experienced medical staff will help you safely get through the withdrawal phase and begin therapy. Unique programs and services we provide include our crack cocaine treatment and a special family program. Our easy detox will help patients through the adverse side effects that come from excessive drug use. Heroin, alcohol, stimulants, and hallucinogens can all cause long-term health issues if an addict does not receive the proper care they need to effectively endure the withdrawal process as well as go through sober support groups and establish a prevention plan. Please, don’t hesitate to contact a specialist at Evoke Wellness by calling 833-819-6066 and ask about our residential rehab services to get started on the path to recovery today!Source:
- CDC – Drug Overdose Deaths in the U.S. Top 100,000 Annually
- Wallethub – Drug Use by State: 2021’s Problem Areas
- Dual Diagnosis – American Cities With the Highest Addiction Rate
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