
Build a foundation for lasting recovery

How to Make Amends and Move Forward

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Have you ever messed up and desperately wished for a do-over? We’ve all been there. Making amends isn’t just about saying sorry – it’s about owning your mistakes and taking action to make things right. At Evoke Wellness at Miramar, we know the journey to recovery often involves repairing relationships along the way. Whether you’re dealing with substance use, mental health challenges, or both, learning how to make sincere amends is a crucial skill. In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps to make meaningful amends and move forward in your recovery journey, drawing on insights from our therapy, substance use, and dual diagnosis programs.

Call Evoke Wellness at Miramar today (833) 819-6066 or reach out online.

Amends Definition

What Are Amends?

Amends are actions taken to correct past mistakes or wrongdoings. It’s about making things right with those you’ve hurt.

  • Acknowledging your role and taking responsibility
  • Expressing sincere remorse and regret
  • Offering a heartfelt apology without excuses
  • Making a committed effort to change harmful behaviors

Size Medium Wp Image 2747 AligncenterThe Amends Process

Making genuine amends isn’t easy, but it’s powerful. It involves:

  • Taking an honest inventory of your wrongs
  • Becoming willing to make amends
  • Planning what to say or do to right those wrongs
  • Following through with humility and sincerity

The path isn’t always clear, but working amends releases you from the past. You move forward lighter, freer.

How to Make Amends

Making amends is an important part of recovery and personal growth. It allows you to take responsibility, heal relationships, and move forward.

1.    Understand Why It’s Important

Admitting your mistakes and making amends can reduce shame, guilt, and resentment. It demonstrates your commitment to change and can rebuild trust.

2.    Reflect and Plan

Reflect honestly on how your actions impacted others. Plan what amends you’ll make – an apology, changed behavior, or making restitution. Be specific.

3.    Apologize Sincerely

An insincere or conditional apology can do more harm. Apologize wholeheartedly, without excuses. Express remorse and empathy for the hurt caused.

4.    Change Your Behavior

Words are hollow without changed actions to back them up. Consistently demonstrate your commitment to positive change over time.

At Evoke Wellness, our therapy, substance use, and dual diagnosis programs provide guidance for making meaningful amends. We’re here to support your journey of recovery and personal growth.

Repairing Relationships in Recovery

In recovery, repairing damaged relationships is vital for lasting sobriety and personal growth. As you rebuild trust with loved ones, keep these points in mind:

1.    Take Responsibility

Addiction breeds denial, so taking honest responsibility for past harm is crucial. Express sincere remorse, validate others’ feelings without defensiveness, and commit to changed behavior.

2.    Rebuild Slowly

Restoring bonds takes patience. Rehab aftercare programs provide a supportive community and therapies to develop communication and coping skills. Small consistent efforts rebuild trust over time.

3.    Seek Support

Early recovery can feel isolating if old friends are still using. Support groups and counseling help reduce loneliness. You may need to set boundaries while rebuilding your sober network.

4.    Use CBT Tools

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) equips you to manage emotions, improve communication, and develop healthier thinking patterns – key to restoring relationships strained by addiction’s turmoil.

Repairing bonds is challenging but rewarding work. With commitment to recovery principles like making amends, you can heal rifts and rebuild meaningful connections.

Noticing the Difference

You’ve put in the hard work – making amends, going to therapy, and committing to your recovery journey. And now, it’s time to start noticing the positive shifts in your life.

Embracing the Little Moments

Recovery isn’t an overnight transformation. It happens through the small, meaningful moments that add up over time. Maybe it’s laughing freely without that nagging voice of guilt. Or waking up feeling genuinely rested for the first time in years.

Savor these little victories. They’re signposts that you’re heading in the right direction.

Reframing Relationships

As you shed unhealthy patterns, you’ll likely notice a new dynamic emerging in your relationships. Conversations feel more authentic. There’s space for vulnerability. And conflicts aren’t instantly swept under the rug.

Rebuilding bonds takes patience, but staying committed to open communication can deepen your connections in beautiful ways.

Finding Your Spark

With a clearer mind, you may rediscover passions that fell by the wayside. Or perhaps new interests will pique your curiosity. Embrace this sense of aliveness – it’s your inner light shining through again.

Whether it’s art, nature, or simply being fully present, let these sparks reignite your fire within. After all, this revitalized outlook is a gift of your recovery.


Get Honest

  • Reflect on your actions and take responsibility
  • Don’t make excuses or shift blame
  • Admit you were wrong and the impact it had

Apologize Sincerely

  • Reach out with empathy and humility
  • Express remorse for the harm caused
  • Don’t expect forgiveness right away

Make Amends

  • Ask what you can do to make it right
  • Follow through on any requests or commitments
  • Give them space and time to heal

Seek Support

  • Therapy and counseling can provide guidance
  • Support groups offer community and accountability
  • Evoke’s programs address addiction, mental health, and more

Move Forward

  • Learn from the experience and grow
  • Focus on healthy coping strategies
  • Build trust through consistent, positive actions

Making amends isn’t easy, but it’s a vital step towards repairing relationships and personal growth. With patience, effort, and the right support, you can make positive changes.

How Soon Do I Start to Make Amends Once I Am Sober?

Take Your Time

Making amends is a crucial step in the recovery process, outlined in Steps 8 and 9 of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). However, it’s important not to rush into it before you’re truly ready. Engage in comprehensive aftercare programs to develop self-awareness, emotional stability, and coping skills first.

Prepare Yourself

When you feel grounded in your recovery, create a list of people you’ve harmed during addiction. Become willing to make amends wherever possible, except when doing so could cause further harm. Approach each person with humility, take full responsibility without excuses, express sincere remorse, and ask for forgiveness without expectations.

A Healing Process

The amends process can be difficult, but it profoundly heals relationships and restores self-worth. It’s an ongoing journey that requires support, so lean on your aftercare programs, counselors, and loved ones. With patience and commitment, you can rebuild the trust and connections that addiction damaged.

What Are the Key Components of a Sincere Apology?

An effective apology requires more than just saying “I’m sorry.” It needs to demonstrate genuine remorse, empathy, and a commitment to change.

Take Responsibility

  • Own up to your mistake without making excuses or shifting blame.
  • Use “I” statements like “I made a mistake” or “I shouldn’t have done that.”

Show You Understand

  • Acknowledge how your actions negatively impacted the other person.
  • Demonstrate empathy by validating their feelings. For example, “I understand why you feel hurt/angry/betrayed.”

Outline a Plan

Make it clear you have a plan to ensure the hurtful behavior doesn’t happen again. Offer a specific solution or change you’ll make moving forward.

Give a Sincere Apology

Look the person in the eye, speak slowly and clearly. The tone of your voice and body language should convey authentic remorse, not just the words.

A sincere, thoughtful apology shows you value the relationship. It can help rebuild trust and allow you both to move forward in a positive way.

Making a Heartfelt Apology

Taking Accountability

The first step in making a sincere apology is taking full accountability for your actions. Avoid making excuses and approach the person you’ve hurt with humility and an open heart. This shows you understand the gravity of how your behavior impacted them.

Listening Without Defensiveness

Be prepared to listen without getting defensive as they share the pain your actions caused. Validate their feelings and resist any urge to justify your past behavior. Rebuilding trust takes time and consistency in changed actions.

Crafting a Sincere Apology

With help from a counselor or sponsor in treatment programs like those at Evoke Wellness, prepare an apology conveying genuine remorse. Express regret through words and follow up with changed behavior over time to rebuild broken trust. Authenticity and vulnerability are key when apologizing and admitting mistakes fully.

What If My Attempt to Make Things Right Goes Wrong and Things Get Worse?

Preparation is Key

It’s understandable to feel anxious about making amends – you want to make things right, but worry it could backfire. The key is proper preparation. Reflect deeply on what went wrong, take full accountability, and plan out what you’ll say. Practice with a therapist or trusted friend first.

Manage Expectations

Even with the best intentions, the other person may not be ready to forgive you yet. Respect that, don’t get defensive, and give them space. The goal is to show your remorse – you can’t control their reaction. Focus on doing the right thing for your own healing.

If It Goes Poorly

If the situation escalates, remove yourself calmly. Don’t lash out – that will only reinforce negative behavior patterns. Seek support from your treatment team at Evoke Wellness to process the experience. They can help adjust your approach for next time.

With professional care, you’ll gain resilience to keep trying, even when making amends is hard.

Treatment options for Substance Abuse

When it comes to overcoming substance abuse, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Evoke Wellness offers a comprehensive range of treatment programs tailored to your unique needs.

Inpatient Programs

For those seeking an immersive, supportive environment, their residential treatment program provides 24/7 care. This extended residential option lasts 60-90 days or more, giving you the time and space to heal.

The intensive inpatient program combines detox with therapy to address the root causes of addiction.

Detox & Medication Support

A crucial first step is safely detoxing from substances under medical supervision. Evoke offers specialized detox for fentanyl, crack cocaine, and more.

Their medication-assisted treatment uses medications like methadone, suboxone, and Vivitrol to ease cravings and prevent relapse.

Specialized Programs

Evoke recognizes that addiction often co-occurs with mental health issues. Their dual diagnosis programs treat these underlying conditions simultaneously.

They also offer targeted programs for alcohol, opioids, cocaine, and other substance addictions, as well as for specific groups like veterans and the LGBTQ+ community.

Treatment Options for Dual Diagnosis

Comprehensive Care

Evoke Wellness provides comprehensive Dual Diagnosis Treatment programs to address co-occurring mental health and substance abuse issues. Their specialized programs tackle conditions like anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, PTSD, and anger management alongside addiction treatment.

Tailored Therapies

The approach involves tailoring evidence-based therapies to each individual’s needs. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, family counseling, and holistic practices are integrated. This multifaceted treatment allows you to gain self-awareness, develop coping mechanisms, and build a robust support system.

Continuum of Care

Evoke offers a full continuum from detox and residential treatment to outpatient and aftercare programs. Extended stays of 60-90 days in the residential program allow ample time to address underlying issues driving the dual diagnosis. With 24/7 support, you can fully immerse yourself in the recovery journey.

Evoke Wellness at Miramar – FAQ

Common Questions

Got questions about treatment at Evoke Wellness at Miramar? We’ve got you covered. This leading addiction and mental health center offers a wide range of programs tailored to your needs. Here are some common FAQs to help guide your journey to recovery.

What addictions do they treat?

Evoke provides specialized care for substance abuse issues like alcohol, cocaine, heroin, opioids, benzodiazepines, methamphetamines and more. Their programs cover addictions to prescription drugs, fentanyl, crack cocaine and polysubstance abuse too.

What about mental health?

Absolutely, dual diagnosis treatment is a core focus here. They offer comprehensive programs for conditions like depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, bipolar disorder and more through evidence-based therapies.

What kind of programs are available?

From detox and residential care to intensive outpatient and aftercare, Evoke has it all. Look for medication-assisted treatment, gender-specific rehab, LGBTQ support, services for veterans and more tailored tracks. Therapies like CBT, DBT, family counseling and holistic healing nurture mind, body and spirit.

How’s the admission process?

Getting started is simple with Evoke’s streamlined 3-step admission process. Their team verifies your insurance to make treatment accessible and affordable. Just reach out online or call to begin your path to lasting recovery.


In the end, making amends is about growth and healing. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. At Evoke Wellness at Miramar, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Whether you need help with substance use, mental health, or both, our programs are designed to meet you where you are. From therapy sessions to dual diagnosis treatment, we’ve got your back. So take that first step. Reach out. Start your journey towards making amends and building a brighter future. You’ve got this, and we’re here to help you succeed.

Begin Your Journey with Evoke Wellness at Miramar

If you or a loved one is considering treatment, Evoke Wellness at Miramar invites you to contact us. Our compassionate team is ready to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and help you take the first steps toward recovery. In Miramar, you’ll find more than just a treatment program – you’ll discover a community dedicated to your wellness and success. Together, let’s embrace the journey to recovery and the promise of a new beginning. Call us at (833) 819-6066today or reach out online.