
Build a foundation for lasting recovery

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Florida: A Lifeline for Co-occurring Disorders

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Are you or a loved one struggling with both mental health issues and substance abuse? You’re not alone. Dual diagnosis, the co-occurrence of mental health disorders and addiction, affects millions of Americans. In Florida, the need for comprehensive treatment has never been greater. Recent studies show that over 50% of individuals with substance use disorders also have a co-occurring mental health condition. Fortunately, Florida offers cutting-edge dual diagnosis treatment programs that address both issues simultaneously. From anxiety and depression to PTSD and substance abuse, these integrated approaches provide a lifeline for those seeking recovery. Discover how dual diagnosis treatment in Florida can offer you or your loved one a path to lasting wellness and stability.

Call Evoke Wellness at Miramar today (833) 819-6066 or reach out online.

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Dual diagnosis treatment refers to a comprehensive approach for addressing both substance abuse disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions simultaneously. This integrated treatment model is vital because substance abuse and mental illness are closely intertwined, with each condition often exacerbating the symptoms of the other.

Comprehensive Care

At Evoke Wellness at Miramar, the dual diagnosis program provides personalized care plans that may include:

  • Individual and group therapy to explore the root causes and develop coping strategies
  • Medication management to stabilize mental health and reduce cravings
  • Holistic therapies like yoga, art, and mindfulness for overall well-being
  • Family counseling to improve communication and rebuild relationships

Evidence-Based Approach

The dual diagnosis treatment utilizes evidence-based therapies such as:

This multifaceted approach aims to address the underlying issues fueling both the addiction and mental health disorder, improving long-term recovery outcomes.

Why Do You Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Understanding Co-occurring Disorders

Many individuals struggling with substance abuse disorders also grapple with underlying mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or PTSD. These co-occurring disorders can exacerbate each other, creating a vicious cycle that hinders recovery. Treating only one condition often proves insufficient for achieving lasting sobriety and improved well-being.

Comprehensive Approach to Recovery

Dual diagnosis treatment offers a holistic approach by addressing both the addiction and the mental health disorder simultaneously. This integrated care helps individuals develop coping strategies, manage symptoms, and identify the root causes of their struggles. Evoke Wellness at Miramar provides evidence-based therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and trauma therapy to support clients on their journey to recovery.

Increased Chances of Long-Term Success

By treating co-occurring disorders concurrently, dual diagnosis treatment enhances the chances of achieving and maintaining sobriety. It reduces the risk of relapse by equipping individuals with the necessary skills to manage their mental health conditions and prevent a return to substance abuse. This comprehensive approach promotes overall well-being, empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives free from the grip of addiction and mental health struggles.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs in Florida

Comprehensive Care for Co-Occurring Disorders

Evoke Wellness at Miramar offers specialized dual diagnosis treatment programs designed to address co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders simultaneously. Their integrated approach combines evidence-based therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and medication-assisted treatment to promote lasting recovery.

Tailored Treatment Tracks

The facility provides tailored treatment tracks to meet the unique needs of various populations, including specialized programs for anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, anger management, and PTSD. They also offer focused programs for veterans, LGBTQ+ individuals, men, and women, ensuring an inclusive and personalized approach to recovery.

Holistic Healing and Aftercare Support

In addition to clinical therapies, Evoke Wellness incorporates holistic modalities like nutrition therapy and EMDR to promote overall well-being. Their alumni program provides ongoing support through social events, online communities, and mentorship opportunities, helping clients maintain sobriety and mental health stability after completing the initial treatment program.

Anxiety Treatment Program

Our comprehensive Anxiety Treatment Program combines evidence-based therapies with holistic approaches to help individuals overcome anxiety disorders. We utilize proven techniques including:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • CBT helps identify and modify negative thought patterns contributing to anxiety.
  • Clients learn coping strategies to manage anxious thoughts and behaviors.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

  • DBT teaches mindfulness and emotion regulation skills.
  • Clients develop distress tolerance and improve interpersonal effectiveness.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • ACT promotes psychological flexibility and living in the present moment.
  • Clients learn to accept difficult emotions without judgment.

Holistic Therapies

  • Yoga and meditation reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  • Nutrition therapy supports overall well-being and stable moods.

Our team of licensed mental health professionals provides individualized care, addressing each client’s unique needs. Through a combination of individual and group therapy, we equip clients with the tools to manage anxiety long-term.

Substance Use Treatment Program

Evoke Wellness at Miramar offers a comprehensive substance use treatment program tailored to each client’s needs. Their evidence-based approach addresses the underlying issues contributing to addiction through a range of therapies and services.

Personalized Treatment Plans

The experienced team develops individualized treatment plans combining clinical therapies like group and individual counseling, medication management, and holistic modalities such as yoga, mindfulness, and art therapy. 24/7 support ensures a safe, structured environment for recovery.

Continuum of Care

Whether seeking help for the first time or having relapsed after previous attempts, the drug rehab program can benefit individuals at various stages of substance use disorders. From detox and residential treatment to intensive outpatient services, Evoke provides a full continuum of care.

Improved Quality of Life

By addressing addiction’s root causes and co-occurring disorders, clients can experience improved physical and mental health, stronger relationships, better stress management, increased self-awareness, and enhanced communication skills – paving the way for a fulfilling, substance-free life.

Depression Treatment Program

Evidence-Based Therapies

Evoke Wellness at Miramar utilizes evidence-based therapies like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help patients manage depression. These proven approaches aim to develop coping strategies, improve emotional regulation, and build a strong foundation for lasting recovery.

Holistic Approach

In addition to traditional psychotherapy, the Depression Treatment Program incorporates holistic therapies such as EMDR, acupuncture, and nutrition counseling. This comprehensive approach supports overall mental and physical well-being, addressing the mind-body connection in the healing process.

Personalized Care

The facility’s experienced team of mental health professionals, including licensed therapists and counselors, provides personalized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Through individual, group, and family therapy sessions, patients receive targeted support and guidance on their journey to recovery.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Evoke Wellness recognizes the high prevalence of co-occurring disorders and offers a Dual Diagnosis Treatment approach. This integrated care model addresses both depression and substance abuse simultaneously, ensuring comprehensive support for patients struggling with multiple challenges.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

For patients who require it, the facility provides Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) options like Suboxone and Vivitrol. These medications can help manage depression symptoms and prevent relapse, supporting long-term recovery efforts.

Medical Detox

The First Step to Recovery

Medical detox is the crucial first step in Evoke Wellness’ comprehensive addiction treatment programs. This vital process helps patients safely and comfortably withdraw from drugs and alcohol under 24/7 medical supervision. Medically assisted detox is strongly recommended for overcoming substance addictions, as withdrawal symptoms can be severe and potentially life-threatening without professional support.

Easing Withdrawal Discomfort

Evoke’s medical detox utilizes FDA-approved medications like Suboxone, Methadone, and Vivitrol to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Common withdrawal issues treated include panic attacks, insomnia, nausea, tremors, anxiety, and seizures. The program is overseen by a team of addiction specialists who provide around-the-clock monitoring and care to keep patients safe and comfortable.

Holistic Approach to Healing

While stabilizing the physical aspects of withdrawal, Evoke Wellness also incorporates holistic therapies like acupuncture, yoga, and mindfulness to address the psychological roots of addiction. This multifaceted approach helps patients develop healthy coping mechanisms for long-term recovery. After completing detox, clients transition to the residential treatment program or other appropriate levels of care.

Residential Treatment Program

The Residential Treatment Program at Evoke Wellness provides comprehensive, immersive care for individuals struggling with addiction, mental health disorders, and co-occurring conditions. This live-in program promotes long-term healing with a structured environment free from toxic influences.

Building a Strong Foundation

The extended length of the Residential Treatment Program allows patients to spend dedicated time away from triggers and unhealthy situations. With constant staff support, they learn to manage addiction, address root causes, and develop essential coping skills for lasting recovery.

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Supportive Environment for Transformation

The safe, therapeutic setting at Evoke Wellness nurtures patients as they build a strong foundation for recovery. With 24/7 care and supervision, they can focus fully on healing in mind, body, and spirit – empowering lifelong sobriety and improved mental health.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Florida: FAQs

What is dual diagnosis treatment?

Dual diagnosis treatment addresses individuals struggling with co-occurring mental health disorders and substance abuse issues. Evoke Wellness at Miramar specializes in this integrated approach, providing comprehensive care to promote lasting recovery.

Who needs dual diagnosis care?

Those battling addiction alongside conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other mental illnesses can benefit greatly from dual diagnosis programs. Addressing both issues concurrently enhances treatment effectiveness.

What programs are offered?

Evoke’s dual diagnosis programs include:

What is the treatment process?

The process involves a thorough assessment to create an individualized treatment plan. Through therapy, counseling, medication management (if needed), and holistic approaches, clients heal the root causes fueling the co-occurring disorders.

Are dual diagnosis programs effective?

Yes, integrated treatment yields higher success rates than addressing just one issue. By managing mental health and addiction simultaneously, individuals achieve long-term stability and sobriety.


In conclusion, dual diagnosis treatment in Florida offers a vital lifeline for individuals struggling with co-occurring disorders. By addressing both mental health and substance use issues simultaneously, these specialized programs provide comprehensive care that can lead to lasting recovery. Whether you’re seeking help for anxiety, depression, PTSD, or substance use, Florida’s treatment centers offer evidence-based therapies and personalized care plans to meet your unique needs. From medical detox to residential treatment programs, the journey to wellness is supported every step of the way. Take the first step towards reclaiming your life and health by exploring the dual diagnosis treatment options available in Florida today. Your path to recovery begins here.

Begin Your Journey with Evoke Wellness at Miramar

If you or a loved one is considering treatment, Evoke Wellness at Miramar invites you to contact us. Our compassionate team is ready to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and help you take the first steps toward recovery. In Miramar, you’ll find more than just a treatment program – you’ll discover a community dedicated to your wellness and success. Together, let’s embrace the journey to recovery and the promise of a new beginning. Call us at (833) 819-6066 today or reach out online.